“Too High” Photo Shoot; January 30, 2022

“From musicals, to choirs, to piano lessons, to recording, to creating YouTube videos; music was always constant. It never went away and it never stopped giving me that intense feeling of purpose, no matter how many times I was discouraged.”

“It was really the writing part of music that was my favorite. The poetry of it all. The power music has; to be able to connect and make someone feel; it’s indescribable. I can’t describe the amount of times I’ve had that euphoric experience; whether if I’m listening to it or writing it; that aspect has essentially lit me up every single time.”


“It was my out. Through the chaos, only music has brought me to a level of fulfillment no other thing could. If I could connect even just a little bit with someone through my music, that would be so special to me and I would have fulfilled my purpose in life. Music is the one way where I can say exactly what I mean and have a space where people can hear my story and my truth.

Music is my art and beauty in this world.”